
2023-04-01 mt



The Cranberries – When You’re Gone (Official Music Video)

116M views · 12 years ago


SUBSCRIBED 2.81M subscribers

Hold on to love that is what
I do now that I’ve found you.
And from above everything’s stinking,
they’re not around you.

And in the night, I could be helpless,
I could be lonely, sleeping without you.

And in the day, everything’s complex,
There’s nothing simple, when I’m not around you.

But I’ll miss you when you’re gone,
That is what I do. Hey, baby!
And it’s going to carry on,
That is what I do. Hey, baby!

Hold on to my hands, I feel I’m sinking,
Sinking without you.
And to my mind, everything’s stinking,
Stinking without you.

And in the night, I could be helpless,
I could be lonely, sleeping without you.

And in the day, everything’s complex,
There’s nothing simple, when I’m not around you.

But I’ll miss you when you’re gone,
That is what I do. Hey, baby!
And it’s going to carry on,
That is what I do. Hey, baby!,the_cranberries,when_you_re_gone.html

The Cranberries – Promises (Official Music Video)

59M views · 12 years ago

You better believe I’m coming
You better believe what I say
You better hold on to your promises
Because you bet you’ll get what you deserve
She’s going to leave him over
She’s gonna take her love away
So much for your eternal vows, well
It does not matter anyway

Why can’t you stay here a while
Stay here a while
Stay with me

Oh, all the promises we made
All the meaningless and empty words
I prayed, prayed, prayed
Oh, all the promises we broke
All the meaningless and empty words
I spoke, spoke, spoke

Do-do-do Do-do-do Do-do-do Do-do-do

What of all the things that you taught me
What of all the things that you’d say
What of all your prophetic preaching
You’re just throwing it all away
Maybe we should burn the house down
Have ourselves another fight
Leave the cobwebs in the closet
‘Cause tearing them out is just not right

Why can’t you stay here a while
Stay here a while
Stay with me, oh.oh


Oh eh. Oh eh. Oh eh. Oh eh. Oh eh,the_cranberries,promises.html


island republic in Europe


Lingwa Maltija

Il-Malti huwa l-ilsien nazzjonali tar-Repubblika ta’ Malta. Huwa l-ilsien uffiċjali flimkien mal-Ingliż; kif ukoll wieħed mill-ilsna uffiċjali tal-Unjoni Ewropea. Dan l-ilsien għandu sisien u għerq semitiku, ta’ djalett Għarbi li ġej mill-Afrika ta’ Fuq, għalħekk qatt ma kellu rabta mill-qrib mal-Għarbi Klassiku. Iżda tul iż-żminijiet, minħabba proċess tal-latinizzazjoni ta’ Malta, bdew deħlin bosta elementi lingwistiċi mill-Isqalli, djalett ta’ art li wkoll għaddiet minn żmien ta’ ħakma Għarbija. Wara l-Isqalli beda dieħel ukoll it-Taljan, fuq kollox fiż-żmien tad-daħla tal-Kavallieri tal-Ordni ta’ San Ġwann sa meta l-Ingliż ħa post it-Taljan bħala l-ilsien uffiċjali fil-Kostituzzjoni Kolonjali tal-1934. Il-Malti huwa l-ilsien waħdieni ta’ għajn semitika li jinkiteb b’ittri Latini. –

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6️⃣1️⃣-mu 6️⃣2️⃣-mv 6️⃣3️⃣-mw 6️⃣4️⃣-mx 6️⃣5️⃣-my 6️⃣6️⃣-mz – :

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